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[MV] IU(아이유) _ Blueming

🔈1theK가 제작한 '1theK Originals-원더케이 오리지널' 채널이 오픈되었습니다:) 많은 관심과 구독 부탁드려요😉
NEW YouTube Channel '1theK Originals' has been launched! Please take a lot of interest and SUBSCRIBE!

*English subtitles are now available. :D
(Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function)

[Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too.
[공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 1theK에 업로드된 MV 조회수 또한 음악방송 순위에 반영됩니다.


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