Cakewalk Sonar 의 Pentagon이 insert 되지 않을 때
윈도우 8.1 64비트에서 발견한 문제...
1. 관리자 모드로 Regedit를 실행 후
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarergc:audio softwareDXiPentagon I 를 찾아서
3. 그 키의 권한을 유저 그룹에서 풀컨트롤 할 수 있도록 해라...
3줄 요약 완료..
had the same problem in Producer 8.5.3 64 bit on Vista Ultimate x64,
and also didn't like the "Run as Administrator" option. So I took off
my "musician" hat and put on my "software engineer" hat, spent some time
debugging the problem, and came up with a solution.
Turns out
there is a registry key that the Pentagon DLL is trying to open with
full (ie: read/write) access, however the key permissions are set to
read-only for non-admin access, thus the insert failure when not running
as Administrator.
Here's the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarergc:audio softwareDXiPentagon I
the registry editor, I modified the permissions on that key, granting
the Users group full control, and now I can insert Pentagon I without
running as administrator.
Standard disclaimers... regedit.exe is
dangerous, you can mess up your system, make sure you have a backup,
don't blame me if you break something, no guarantee this will solve your
problem... etc.
[개인 블로그에 올린 글이라 반말투입니다.]